Monday, April 14, 2008


With a moniker so clever and boring that it could only be found as the title to a sociological thesis paper or the chapter of a Chuck Klosterman novel, I hereby begin this blog.
But really, it is not for you, the reader. It is for me.
You see, I have a problem.
I own. A LOT.
With a DVD collection somewhere in the 400+region (I am typing this from my school library, meaning that my estimate could be way off,) I have recently realized that...I don't need all this stuff. I own movies I've never watched, but have merely bought because the Sunday newspaper ads have told me that Best Buy is selling copies of Stephen King's Pet Semetary for 4.99. (And yes, I have never seen Pet Semetary. And I'm ok with that.)
But i don't want to be ok with that. I don't want to own movies I have never seen. In fact, I don't think I want to own movies that I have seen. I don't need to own them. I've seen them. How often will I really watch them? Not often enough to need to own them.
Therefore, this blog is my homebase for entirely consuming, and then depossessing, any and all movies that I own. I will go through my collection, one by one, initially in alphabetical order, but eventually in no particular order (I can't watch all the seasons of South Park in a row. Can't do it.) I will watch everything contained on the discs, including all commentaries, deleted scenes, featurettes, and slideshows of images. And then, after having utilized the disc in all possible ways, I will sell it, using the money for other ventures (but most likely just spending it on other crap I don't need, i.e. video games, cigarettes, heroin.)
Perhaps I won't sell everything I own. Hell, I like some things enough to watch them more than once. But i know, deep in my heart, that I don't need everything I have, and I want it to be gone. Plans are, after completing the disc, to immediately sell it on ebay, allowing you, the reader, the chance to own what I have already deconstructed, and therefore, also don't need. But hey, as long as it's not taking up my space anymore!
There will be no regularity in blogs. I won't just be consuming a DVD; I'll be consuming time! Posts will come out when I'm ready for them to.
Also, if you have any requests for DVDs to be reviewed, I will do my best. However, it seems a bit counter-productive for me to review things that I don't own. I'll make my decisions on a case-by-case basis.
And, I'll probably end up using this blog in the fashion of the old Livejournal (and Deadjournal, whee!) form, to, you know, just talk about stuff.

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